Who is a Keep worthy Man ?

Relationship Problems & Love Problems

They are all the same!’ You curse. But relax!!!
Here are the Mark points to consider rehearsing before
You pull into the drive way of the road to


Give your man a small bouquet of flowers one day and be keen for the reaction.
If he flinches, laughs nervously and looks frantically for the nearest bin, then he is not Keep-worthy (KT) but if he grins and says,” Hey this means you love me, right?”
Then that’s the man of your life.(More)

Permanent curves on the lips

This means he has a great sense of humor- a big asset indeed.
But don’t confuse with the permanent imbecilic smile

Generous praise

The flowers and gifts are a good.
Is your
Man really generous with his praise your work, figure, leg, your smile,
Your eyes and personality? Praise makes a woman glow. If your man makes no
Effort to bring the best out of you, he is probably doing it elsewhere.

His response to conflicting issues

A Keep Worthy Man doesn’t fight dirty, slinging unnecessary references
to your mother, your dog, your hair dresser. He keeps
the argument to the issue at hand, refuses all baits to enlarge
the scope of the disagreement. And when you keep cool he looks
Pained at you’re not reacting

Can he really talk to you not at you

If a man really listens to you, looks into your eyes
bringing a connection, and in turn tells you things
,then this kind of a man is not just a great man but
-He is Keep-worthy. “CTRL + A” the others in your mind
and delete them. Not even dare fail to empty your Recycle Bin

His closeness to you

Men of mystery are not just worth it. Most of them have
Something to hide.it could be another girlfriend in the picture,
a clinging ex-wife or charges of embezzlement. This is not to say
that a man should be an open book. But if he is open about his heights
and lows, it means he trusts you.You should consider him a custodian of your heart (Broken hearts got no spare parts)

Lose of control

He should-of course lose some control to a healthy extent.
The sophisticated shroud should go off sometimes and he
makes a PDA (public demo of affection) or say some sweet
nothings in front of his buddies. You can’t let him go.

The Karen test

This is your best friend from kindergarten and it’s not her fault
that she is most men’s fantasy on two legs.Well,if your man can
meet Karen with warmth and friendliness without breaking into
a sweat, he’s passed the test.Ask him about her later.If he says,’ she
is lovely but you’re something else,’ relax. If he denies having noticed
her stun looks…run

The way he handles criticism

He should be able to give and take criticism .when you point out
about his smacking-of-lips when eating, he grins and says, ’Okay, I’ll
fix that.’ He should tell you about his being uncomfortable at your ear
picking habit with the car keys, without leaving you angry or belittled.

His steadiness

It’s said that the temperamental ones are exciting, but the other side
The coin is not worth it. He should stay pretty the same most of the time
Without subjecting you to agonies of nervousness .If he changes like the
Weather-he has failed the test. Keep it that simple and you’ll be safe.

His effort to fit in.

Despite your family being unreasonable and your friend
Sounding too much of a wanna-be, it should not be so noticeable
That they are unbearable. This will tell if the effort is genuine


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