ME: So you want a quick or just a soft relationship?
ABCX: Relationships are damn nasty headache manufacturers: no ninja wishes this.
[A single mother is a soft landing you think and therefore your hungry testosterone toxicity leads your head in]...
ME: You don't just confirm a snake's hole with your limb!!
A single mother might be a mother to some greater leaders and bloggers but ... Here are the reasons why I can't just fail to screw into your skull these neglected facts:
1. Never Available
A single Mother’s schedule is never open. Single mothers are the kind of women to always cancel dates at the last minute.
Something always gets in the way of a man spending time with her. It’s hard to have a relationship with her because she’s never there.
2. YOU are NOT a priority
Usually, in a relationship, the man winds up DEAD LAST. Behind, her kids, her job, the car, the kitchen sink, the stopped-up toilet. Even the dog gets more attention and affection than a man involved with a single mother.
Any man who gets involved with a single mother winds up a fifth stringer in a relationship.
And he rarely ever gets called up to play.
3. Thinks the world revolves around HER and ONLY HER
A single mother is one of the biggest
narcissists on the dating scene. She often thinks that a man has to drop everything in his life to be part of hers and her kids.
They’re so selfish they don’t think a man has needs, wants, or a life of his own. He’s just supposed to be there to give her everything she wants in
4. Emotionally Unavailable
Most Single mothers cannot form an intimate connection with a man because their feelings are invested in other people. [Usually, her primary focus is on her children].
In addition to dedicating themselves to their children, most single mothers have given their hearts to someone else – their children’s father.
And those feelings she still has for him will always prevent her from getting closer to you. There will always be some distance between a single mother and the new man in her life.
5. The ex / Baby Daddy is ALWAYS THERE
A man just doesn’t deal with a single mother. He deals with her ex or her baby daddy as well.
And this guy is always hovering around like a helicopter looking to c*ck block you.
Some of these guys still think they have a shot at getting back with her. Others just don’t want to see her happy.
A lot of these dudes want to fight over her. Seriously, it’s a game they’re playing with each other.
And they’ll be playing that game with each other until their children turn 18 or 21. Head for the exit. It’s just not worth dealing with this fool and his insecurities.
Why Real Men NEVER Engage Single Mothers
6. The kids are working AGAINST YOU
When dealing with a single mother you also deal with Kids. Kids who are still in their little heart of hearts think that Dad will come back and love them. Seriously, GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE.
7. Those kids will HATE YOU
They will act out to keep you from getting closer to mommy. They will make accusations against you to get you in trouble. Again, it’s just not worth dealing with the bullshit to get
with a female.
There are four billion women in the world. You can find a quality female who doesn’t carry all this baggage or give you this much grief.
8. Entitled attitude
Single mothers think because they had a baby out of wedlock the world owes them EVERYTHING. And she thinks she’s the one who deserves the best.
Even though she’s usually collecting welfare, food stamps, or
child support, in her eyes she’s still supposed to be treated like she’s a queen because she popped a kid out of her vagina.
In their deluded distorted vision of the world, men are still supposed to take her out to the finest restaurants and buy them lots of expensive stuff.
And he’s supposed to take care of her kids too, buying them whatever they want while taking a blind eye to their bad behavior.
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9. Distorted self-image
Single mothers still think she’s as sexy as she was before they had a baby. Only she doesn’t understand how her body has changed. In some cases for the worse.
Single mothers are the type to try to squeeze themselves into sexy outfits like low-rise jeans and cropped T-shirts to show off their belly buttons, not seeing the muffin top and stretch marks squeezing out over the top of their pants.
They’re the type to stuff themselves
into slinky spandex dresses, (not aware of that gut, and the cellulite on their asses) and head out to the club. She thinks men are supposed
to run up to her offering to buy her drinks. And because a few thirsty simps step to her, she thinks she’s still got it.
But the only people who want what she has to offer are scavengers at the bottom of the social scene.
Why Real Men NEVER Engage Single Mothers
10. Always the victim
Single Mothers never take responsibility for their actions. The situation they’re in is always the fault of that “no good man”, “these damn kids” their mother, or someone else.
They never take any time to do any self-examination or make any efforts to change their lives.
They’re still looking for some Rich Incredibly Handsome Man™ to put on a cape and play Captain Save-A-Hoe™, sweep her off her feet and take her out of the troubling situation she helped make.
11. Jekyll & Hyde Personality
A single mother will be the sweetest thing when a man first dates her, but a few months into a relationship she turns into a NUT JOB.
A man will usually see glimpses of this when she chastises her kids when he first meets them. During that meeting, she’ll yell at them and
bully them to get them to act right while praising a man like he’s an angel. It’s all an act.
Heaven will turn into Hell around the six-month mark. Once a single mother gets a man settled into her life it’s not common for her to start verbally abusing him and mocking him as she projects all that pent-up rage from those previous failed relationships onto him.
And it’s usually around this point that most men realize why this woman is single and why it’s time for him to hit the exit door.
12. Drama Queen
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Don’t date single mothers and don’t waste your time with them Because a single mother always sees herself as a victim of society, she’s always talking about her problems. And she always has a
new trouble to bring everyone.
There’s never a good day in the life of a single mother because there’s always some new crisis about to
emerge in her life. The reason single mothers need the drama is that it makes them feel important.
It makes people pay attention to
them. And when Captain-Save-A-Hoe™ is doting on them and trying to solve their problems it makes them feel an artificial sense of value.
They need that value to deflect people’s attention from how pathetic their lives actually are. Manipulative In most cases, a single mother has no interest in a man she’s dating. In a lot of cases, she’s just using a guy as a pawn.
13. In most cases she’s dating to make her
Baby Daddy is jealous Deep down in her heart of hearts she believes that if she’s seen with someone else who sees her as valuable that he’ll see her as valuable and take her back.
In other cases when she’s not trying to get a rise out of Baby Daddy she’s playing the sympathy card™ using a guy to get gifts, free dinners, and free drinks out of him.
To a single mother, the men in her life are just human ATM machines where she whispers a sweet nothing in his ear like a PIN number and money comes out of his wallet. And because she’s a drama queen who
loves to play the victim, the Single mother plays to men’s emotions to get them to react in the way she wants.
It’s not common for a single mother to tell her man about her baby daddy so he can go fight him. Or pit two baby daddies against each other.
Many a man has wound up either dead or in prison because a single mother played the victim card™.
14. Dishonest. A single mother is a LIAR.
It’s how she gets what she wants. It’s how she manipulates people. It’s how she takes™ care of her kids. It’s how she survives in this world.
Single mothers lie. And they LIE ALL
THE TIME. They lie to men about their age, their height, their weight, how many kids they have, and the job they do.
On top of the lies, they tell to others they lie to themselves. They lie about how beautiful they are. They lie telling themselves they’re still a catch.
They lie telling themselves they still have a chance with a good man.
They lie telling themselves that
their lives will be happily ever after one day.
The horrible truth is without those lies most of those single mothers would realize how pathetic their lives are. How they have no options in the dating scene.
That they’re at the bottom of the barrel in the dating scene and the only men who want them are pathetic Manginas and thirsty Simps.
15. Carries Baggage, baggage, and more baggage
A single mother has more issues than Time and Newsweek combined.
And when she’s looking for a man, she’s not looking for an equal caring partner.
She’s looking for a Pullman Porter™ to take care of her kids and clean up her messes with her children's father.
Brothers, don’t let yourself get sized up for the white jacket and the bow tie! Anyway, dealing with a single mother is like walking through a
After several months of being
involved with her, it leaves a man anxious and tense because he doesn’t know where to step that won’t lead to an explosion that kills him.
Now, that’s why Real Men avoid single mothers like a disease. Real men understand life is too short to put up with someone’s drama
and their emotional baggage.
We only have a limited time on God’s Earth and who wants to spend it being a Pullman Porter cleaning up someone else messes.
As I stated before in a previous blog, let that woman take her run over Jimmy Choos and clean up her own
mess. She made her bed, now let her lie in the wet spot.
Don’t date single mothers and don’t waste your time with them.
There are four billion women in this world. If you’re patient, you’ll find a good one.