What You didn’t know about Dubai

Dubai ! Dubai ! Dubai !..Doubtlessly; this is a household destiny to many life seeking citizens not only from the United Arab Emirates but all over ; Worldwide. Africa ,Asia ,USA? Russia ,UK ,India... what are this adventure generating phenomenon that has made Fly Emirates one busy airline on Dubai Voyage: Is Dubai the only Best Travel Destination in the world?

Dubai is situated in the southern Persian Gulf, considered as one of the leading cities in the world. It is so developed and sophisticated city of United Arab Emirates - UAE. Here are 10 fascinating facts about Dubai

#1 20% Cranes:
Dubai is becoming a highly developed city day by day. Many of the world’s largest and biggest buildings and hotels are in Dubai and even the number is increasing gradually. For this reason 20% of the world’s total cranes are now operating in Dubai in various constructions.

#2 Tallest and biggest structures:

Some of the world’s tallest and biggest structures are situated here. Biggest mall, tallest hotel, second largest man-made marina, and the world’s largest aquarium are located in Dubai. For all these reasons Dubai is so attractive to most of the tourists and millions of tourists come here every year

#3 Developed city:

It is one of the fastest growing cities in the whole world. There were just 13 cars in Dubai in 1968 but the picture has been changed so far. But now the traffic of Dubai is so bad and it became so congested because of development. In order to overcome this problem double Decker roads for transportation are introduced here.

#4 Population:

There are some amazing facts are seen in the population of Dubai. It is so wonder to think that half of the total population living in this city are Indians. On the other hand, 17 % of the total population are Emiratis. The rest of the population is composed of immigrant.

#5 World’s largest gold chain:

The world’s largest gold chain is in Dubai. It was made during DSF- 1999. Total 22 kg of gold was used and the length of the chain was 4.2 km. The total chain was bought by 9600 people, in bracelet size and necklace wear pieces.

#6 Skyscrapers:
Some of the world’s tallest skyscrapers are here. The Burj Khalifa of Dubai is considered as world’s tallest man-made structure. The height of it is 2,717 feet. Burj Khalifa is also edifices the highest mosque, the highest restaurant, highest outdoor observation and highest nightclub. All these things are in the Burj Khalifa tower.

#7 Luxurious hotels:

There are many luxurious 5-star and 7-star hotels are in Dubai. The Burj Al Arab is the fourth tallest hotel. It is almost 280 feet tall from Jumeirah beach. Al Mahara, a famous restaurant, featured with a massive seawater aquarium. There is a simulated submarine voyage in the entrance of the restaurant.

#8 Ski Dubai:

The Dubai mall is so developed and famous. It is also featured with Ski Dubai. Ski Dubai is an indoor ski resort. The area of it is 22,500 square meters. On the other hand, there is a snow park and it is considered as the biggest indoor snow park with an area of 3,000 square meters

 Have you started Booking online at Emirates Airline?Perhaps every one longs to spent their holiday at Dubai Leisure resorts.

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Are Cellphones the Justified Cause of Fuel Stations Fires?

Technology Tagmyride BMWi8 Automotive

While studies by Wireless Devices Industry indicates hints about the existence of theoretical evidence of such devices sourcing an electrical spark: There is no evidence of a cellphone resulting a fire when operated by motorists around flammable materials such as gas.

Scientific testing hasn't shown any link between Wireless phones and Flammable vapors

"As for cell phones and other modern gadgets, their risk of creating a hazardous spark is virtually none. They use very little electricity, hardly more than your digital watch. The service station would be on sounder legal ground if they provided ground wires (no pun intended) or some sort of way to ground vehicles" says Otteray Scribe

Discover 10 invaluable things MONEY can never buy

    Even if you have millions of dollars stuffed in your Local Bank, there are some things that you'll never have with money alone. You earn big money online from home but So what can't money buy??! :

    12 Tips on How to work smarter not Harder

    Imaginably, like me, you say that you never have enough time and that you just can't cope with million dozen things all at once. How on earth do you get out of that spiral? Many people never sit down and look at how to work smarter, rather than harder and even longer hours. Here are 12 tips you should be following:

    1. Look after your greatest resource

    No, your greatest resource is not time. It is YOU. If you do not get enough sleep, exercise and relaxation, you find that you become less and less productive. You begin to work longer and longer hours, which is the exact opposite of what you want.
    What you should be doing is making sure you are in the best shape. It is useful to remember that you need a break of 15 minutes after every one and a half hours of work. Taking breaks and getting fresh air and exercise is one of the best ways of working smarter, not harder.

    2 .Use a “to don’t” list 

    3. Expect failure and fight paranoia

    When failure rears its ugly head, some people get a bit paranoid and fear that this may become a trend. Projects will go wrong and failure should be expected rather than feared. Learning lessons from failure and analyzing what went wrong is the best way forward.

    “Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again.” -Richard Branson

    4. Improve your time management skills

     Easier said than done? Well, no actually, because there are a few simple rules that can really help you to manage time better. For example, when setting up a top priority task, you need to switch off the phone and ignore your email first. Then you need to abandon any ideas of multitasking as that will slow you down and ruin your focus. Finally, set a reasonable deadline and do everything in your power to meet it.

    “When you’re born, you’re born with 30,000 days. That’s it. The best strategic planning I can give to you is to think about that.”

    -Sir Ray Avery

    5. Learn how to use MACROS

    It is well worth downloading this program because when you have to do a long series of boring repetitive tasks (especially with programs like Excel), a MACRO will do it with one click. Now that is really a great way of working smarter, not harder.

    6. Use the phone more often

    Instead of writing emails, it is often much better to pick up the phone and talk to the person responsible. It saves time. If that colleague works in the same office, it is even better to go and talk to him or her. It gives you a break, you get some exercise and you actually make human contact which is becoming quite rare in this electronic world.

    7. Keep a tab on your tabs

    If you are like me, you might well find that you have a ton of tabs open at the top of your browser. In order to find the one you want, you have to search for them as they are off screen. Having all these tabs open slows down your browser too. One solution is to use One Tab which can keep a neat list on the screen of all these tabs when you want to quickly get to one of them or you want to remind yourself which ones you have open.

    8. Speed up your typing and use shortcuts

    These days we’re all keyboard slaves. So, why not speed up your typing and try to get rid of the two finger syndrome. This is exactly what I am doing now, so I cannot honestly say I am practicing what I preach! But help is at hand. One of the best sites is Typing.com, which gets you going with free tutorials.
    Using shortcuts on the keyboard is another time saver and can speed up your work. For example, press F2 to rename a selected file, while CTRL + Iwill put selected text in italics. There are so many of these; if you make the effort to learn them, they really can be helpful.

    9. Be concise

    Rambling on at meetings, in emails and even when introducing yourself to new clients can waste a lot of people’s time. One way is to practice and sharpen your “elevator speech,” which tells people in 30 seconds or less why they need your skills and how they can benefit from doing business with you. Just think of the many situations where this could be useful:

    · Making new contacts

    · Talking about yourself at a job interview

    · Meeting people at conferences or parties

    · Phone calls to new clients

    10. Ask the right questions

    “You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers. You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions.” -Naguib Mahfouz
    How do you get feedback? The secret is to ask the right questions at the right time. When you do this, you are gathering the information you need to help in decision making. This will save you time and you will be able to cut meetings to a minimum.
    Forbes magazine reports on research that they carried out on asking the right questions. When that happens, the positive effects are increased by 400%.
    “If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on it, I would use the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask, for once I know the proper question, I could solve the problem in less than five minutes.” -Albert Einstein

    11. Learn as much as you can

    You should always be on a steep learning curve. Look at your skills profile and determine where you need to fill a gap. Talk to important connections and network in your niche. Keep up to date on trends and developments. It is a fact-changing world. When an opportunity arises, you will be the best equipped to seize it because you have never stopped learning. Just another way of working smarter.
    “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” -Mahatma Gandhi
    12. Don’t fall into the trap of working smarter and harder

    As a society we are obsessed with doing everything smarter so we are more efficient and we save time all around. Great! The most important thing to remember is to accept when we are ready to switch off that computer and not fill up the time with even more work.

    Aren't Life skills the Best Life hacks? Leadership ,News ,Business and LifeTechnology .Why not Browse Evergreen Billboard if you don't get super life skills and Life changing Posts somewhere else? Promisingly you will love this Blog posts.The bloggers Pen is inspired by the Blog Readers and visitors who leave evergreen comments. - 
    See more at: http://evergreenposts.blogspot.co.ke/#sthash.Uqlhm2FR.dpuf


    Why you shouldn't care about what others think!!

    Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.” – Lao Tzu

    Naturally,humans will want to be appreciated and recognized assertively , However; this might be a super recipe of boredom and absolute worry if not low self esteem.

    This fear of the the unknown can source many life side steps and deny one a happy life.
    You may never discover the real you if you trust public opinion more than you do.

    Here are ten reasons why you should not care about what others think:

    Can these Sex problems kill a relationship?

    Can these Sex problems kill a relationship?
    Can these Sex problems kill a relationship? 

    Best relationships,Relationship problems,Love problems,Marriage problems,Sex problems,Bedroom problems

    Definitely, a good relationship is like a three legged stool: one leg is emotional connection, mental connection, and the other is sexual connection. If one leg is missing, the stool collapses.
    Here are 7 ways sex can kill a marriage:

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